How Crabtree & Evelyn Get Products To Market Faster

“Time to market is a challenge for every business” – Marylyn Styles, Print Production Manager, Global Product Development of Crabtree & Evelyn

Collaboration is key when managing your product packaging through the product lifecycle.

In the following Customer Interview, Marylyn Styles, Print Production Manager, Global Product Development of Crabtree & Evelyn, explores the importance of time to market for Crabtree & Evelyn and looks at how they use Loftware’s solutions to help them optimize their speed to market.

You’ll learn how Crabtree & Evelyn uses Loftware Smartflow to streamline collaboration internally and externally, allowing all departments and stakeholders to collaborate simultaneously, “…so everyone can be working on their piece of the puzzle at the same time.” 

H2 - Heading

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H3 - Heading

Sed tristique, ex eu laoreet aliquet, elit nisl lobortis nibh, ut pellentesque erat ex ut magna. Suspendisse sed feugiat nulla.

H3 - Heading

Sed tristique, ex eu laoreet aliquet, elit nisl lobortis nibh, ut pellentesque erat ex ut magna. Suspendisse sed feugiat nulla.

H3 - Heading

Sed tristique, ex eu laoreet aliquet, elit nisl lobortis nibh, ut pellentesque erat ex ut magna. Suspendisse sed feugiat nulla.